Additional Learning Needs
Additional Learning Additional Learning Needs
At the VP we are a fully inclusive school and we value all of our pupils equally. Every child is different, all children have strengths and talents and all children develop at different rates. Although teaching is differentiated in class, sometimes extra provision is needed to support your child. There are a range of different groups and strategies we use to help pupils who have additional learning needs (ALN) or any physical needs. Our school ALN co-ordinator (ALNCo) in collaboration with the Headteacher and Governing Body, plays a key role in determining the strategic development of the ALN policy and provision in the school in order to raise the achievement of children with ALN. This means we adhere to a National Code of Practice. Each class Teaching Assistant, under the guidance of the class teacher, will deliver interventions relating to the child’s individual plan. We work closely with staff, parents and carers and other outside services and agencies in Denbighshire e.g. Speech and Language (SALT) and Educational Psychologists to give the best support to your child we can.
More Able and Talented
We use a range of strategies to identify gifted and talented children. The identification process is ongoing, and begins when a child joins ours school. Each child’s pre-school record gives details of achievements and interests in particular areas. Discussion with parents/carers enables us to add further details to these records. More Able and Talented (MAT) pupils are also identified by class teachers as a result of assessments and observations. The learning opportunities that we provide for MAT pupils aim to enrich and extend the curriculum in order to further challenge and develop the pupil abilities in one or more areas.
Pupils with Disabilities
Our accessibility plan aims to: · Reduce and eliminate barriers to access the curriculum and to allow full participation in the school curriculum and community for pupils, and prospective pupils, with a disability. · Value parents’ knowledge of their child’s disability and it’s effect on his/her ability to carry out normal activities, and respects the parents’ and child’s right to confidentiality. · Ensure all pupil areas of the school building and grounds are accessible by wheelchair. Further information is available in the Denbighshire Schools information Guide.
Looked After Children
We aim to ensure that all Looked After Children (LAC) have full access to appropriate education. We aim to maximise the educational achievements and enhance life opportunities for such children. We ensure there is effective liaison between ourselves, Denbighshire’s Education Department and Social Services in planning, developing and providing education for Looked After Children. Good quality Personal Education Plans are produced for Looked After Children who attend our school. The Assistant Headteacher is the designated member of staff for promoting the educational achievement of LAC pupils.